When you work with GibbonsWorkman you get exactly that:
We are lawyers who do not use lesser experienced staff or subcontractors to substitute for our efforts. Our firm’s goal is not to be the largest lobbying firm in Jefferson City, but instead the most affective, responsive, reliable and ethical one.

Agriculture - Business - Education
We make your priorities,
Missouri's priorities

Our collaborative hands-on approach has been successful for clients, and it is appreciated by legislators and representatives of the executive branch.
When the legislature is in session, we are in the Capitol. When the legislature adjourns, executive and legislative branch activity continues and so do our efforts. We will provide you with a year round presence.
Honest brokers who get things done and make it happen.


Strategic Development
To identify legislative goals and objectives, whether they involve offense or defense, and develop a strategy to achieve results. This work includes assistance in drafting legislation, talking points and key messaging as well as identifying key sponsors and budget champions.

Bill Monitoring
We review all legislation beginning with pre-filing of legislation, December 1st of each year and throughout the legislative session. Legislation impacting you will be forwarded in a timely fashion to the designated representatives for further review. We will work with you prior to session to understand all the areas of concern that can impact your organization or cause.

Legislative Monitoring
We monitor all legislative activities from key committee hearings to House and Senate floor debate including review of amendments and committee and floor substitutes. Real-time alerts from our team on these issues take place during the session as well as more formal weekly written reports.

State Appropriations
We will assist you in securing and retaining state appropriations by working with the appropriate departmental staff, Office of Budget and Planning and the Governor’s Office to advocate for budget line items of importance. In addition to working with House Budget and Senate Appropriation Committees and key staff to provide appropriation advocacy of the same nature. While no firm can or should guarantee success, we have worked over our tenure as consultants to ensure that we have the appropriate relationships with the executive and legislative branch regarding appropriations.

Legislative & Executive Branch Outreach
We believe that legislative and executive branch outreach is fundamental to success. While we maintain a positive relationship with all 197 members of the legislature, we will assist you in identifying key legislators including leadership and committee chairs that are crucial to the success of your case and its priorities and interests. This will ensure that when discussions are taking place and decisions are being made on issues that affect you, you will have a seat at the table.

Legislative Advocacy
Our legislative advocacy includes assisting you in lobbying and educating legislators. We will work with you to prepare for committee hearings for key bills (both in support or opposition) including testimony and outreach to committee members. We can also testify on your behalf; however, over the years we have learned that the best advocate in a committee hearing is someone directly impacted or with direct experience on an issue. In addition, we will work with you to prepare you and your members for how to best advocate for your interests with legislators.

Grassroots Engagement
We will work with you to engage volunteers and members of your organization or cause in the political process in a way that best advances your mission. We have a great deal of experience in building coalitions to support legislative efforts which includes educating volunteers and members and key allies on best practices in advocacy.

Tricia is praised by her clients for her attention to detail, sound strategic advice, and dedication to keeping them informed of all government matters involving them.
Tricia Workman has worked in Missouri government and politics for more than two decades giving her a wealth of knowledge regarding every facet of Missouri state government. While the majority of Tricia’s tenure has been as a legislative consultant, she also served as chief of staff to a Lieutenant Governor and Missouri State Senator. As a lawyer, Tricia has experience in administrative law and litigation. She is known by legislators for her knowledge of client issues, focus on education and advocacy and tenacity.

Mike Gibbons knows how to solve complex problems, and he has the record to prove it.
Michael Gibbons, a former Republican member and President Pro Tem of the Missouri Senate, is one of the most experienced and successful legislators that has served the people of Missouri. He brings unparalleled experience in state and local government to benefit our clients. He served on the City Council in Kirkwood, the Missouri House of Representatives, and then the Missouri Senate. In each of these positions, he rose to leadership because of his common sense, conservative approach to solving complex problems. His journey in the Missouri General Assembly took him from almost dead last in seniority to President Pro Tem, the highest-ranking legislator. He brings his skills and knowledge to help our clients succeed in the turbulent world at the intersection of government, law, and politics.

Emily is GibbonsWorkman’s ever vigilent eyes and ears at the Capitol.
Emily Wright serves as Government Relations Associate at GibbonsWorkman. She keeps track of legislation as it moves through the process, alerting clients and helping us advance clients’ priorities and interests. Prior to joining GibbonsWorkman, Emily worked in both the Missouri Senate and Missouri House of Representatives serving as a Legislative Assistant to the President Pro Tem of the Senate and working for a State Representative. Her experience working in both the Missouri Senate and House gives her a strong foundation of knowledge and insight into each chamber.
Mary keeps our office up and running, keeping schedules for us, arranging meetings with the legislators or their staff, and she does it all with a smile.
Mary came to GibbonsWorkman when our doors opened after retiring with 43 years in service to the Missouri Legislature. Over the years, Mary was a Legislator Assistant (LA) to Representatives and Senators. She was the LA for many Committee Chairs, including the House Budget Chair. She knows the legislative process and knows who to contact when necessary. Mary brings a wealth of information as well as state connections to GibbonsWorkman. She is the voice you will hear first when calling GibbonsWorkman.